Responsible Service of Alcohol

Responsible Service of Alcohol
The Crown Entertainment Complex aims to provide all patrons with a safe, friendly and pleasant atmosphere.
Whilst the consumption of alcohol is a part of many people's social life, Crown encourages those who choose to drink, to do so responsibly. Unfortunately, some people over-indulge and can become unruly and disruptive. This type of behaviour is unacceptable, as it may threaten the enjoyment and safety of others, and may result in serious consequences.
Alcohol and the law
The Liquor Control Reform Act makes it an offence to supply alcohol to an intoxicated person or allow a drunken or disorderly person to be on licensed premises.
The Casino Control Act makes it an offence to permit any indecent, violent or quarrelsome conduct within the casino. No person under the age of 18 is permitted to enter or remain in the casino.
Crown staff are trained in the Responsible Serving of Alcohol and are obliged to ensure these laws are adhered to for the enjoyment and safety of all patrons. This includes a legal requirement to refuse service of alcohol to any patron considered to be intoxicated.
Responsible consumption of alcohol
Responsible consumption of alcohol is your responsibility and in your best interest. Every person’s body reacts differently to the consumption of alcohol. Understanding your own limitations is important and will aid in ensuring you consume alcohol responsibly.
Getting home safely
There are a number of ways Crown patrons can get home safely. They include:
- Nominate a “Designated Driver” for your group before you start drinking. The “Designated Driver” should not drink alcohol, and is responsible for ensuring you and your friends are driven home safely.
- Take a Taxi. Taxi ranks are conveniently located outside the Whiteman Street and Clarendon Street entrances.
- Catch Public Transport. Trams and Buses run along both Queensbridge and Clarendon Streets, to and from the City. The Nightrider Bus Service operates in the early hours on Saturday and Sunday and stops in Clarendon Street immediately outside the Crown Entertainment Complex.
Never accept a ride in a vehicle from someone you suspect is affected by alcohol.
If in doubt, never drive a car if you’ve been drinking.
Alcohol and gambling
Government legislation prevents any person in a state of intoxication from gambling anywhere within the Crown Entertainment Complex.
This is in addition to existing laws which prevent any person in a state of intoxication from consuming further alcoholic beverages. Crown treats the Responsible Serving of Alcohol and Gaming very seriously and will actively comply with these legal requirements. Enjoy your visit and please drink responsibly.
View Crown's Commitment to safe play.